Monday 4 June 2018

Ghana Ponics Part 1

On holiday in Thailand. Going back to Accra end of the week. Planning setting up a small Aquaponics barrel style.  Just a little something to keep up the interest while away from home. Actually its more that than.  I want ot use it for trials on my arduino electronics setup as well.  Once he system is working  I an hook up my monitors and measure temperature water levels, moisture content  sunlight etc. The plan is to make it available on the internet using IoT.  All good stuff forth e second half of 2018.

So Robs Barrel system  on youtube looks simple enough.  And me, not Rob, being a cheap Charlie I have collected a few bits and bobs from my store.  Pipework, fittings and an old fish tank pump. I also bought a couple of tank connectors in South Africa a few weeks back.  All I need now is a barrel and some gravel which I'll pick up from work. As I say all real cheap Charlie stuff...

Inspiration can be found here... Rod Aquaponics Channel Youtube

My stuff below.  Should start the build late next week.

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